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Deadstock Levies Appeals Process

Step 1: A client is entitled to lodge a complaint with the administration of the PEI Cattle Producers (PEICP) if they disagree with their invoice for deadstock removal. Every effort is made to ensure billing is done according to the regulations of the PEICP. Some concerns may arise from the misinterpretation of the regulations. All efforts will be made to resolve concerns with the administration.

Step 2: If the issue cannot be resolved, the client is invited to lodge an official complaint with the PEICP. This must occur within 30 days of the invoice date by phone (902)368-2229 or in person.

The administration will provide a written response to the client which clearly states the reasons why a decision was made, and what it was based on.

Step 3: The client has the option to accept the written explanation or appeal to the Board of Directors (BOD). The client's appeal must be made in writing within 60 days of the invoice date, to the PEICP BOD and must be specific to his complaint.
The administration has 30 days to set up a meeting for the appeal hearing from the date the appeal has been received.

Step 4: The administration will send the client's appeal letter and the administration's response to the BOD no less than three days prior to the appeal hearing.

Step 5: The appeal hearing will be held before the PEICP BOD and the Chair of the Board will oversee the process. Both the administration and the client will appear before the BOD at the same time. All parties shall introduce themselves. The Chair sets the ground rules, identifies all information that has been received, and circulated it to BOD so there is no misunderstanding about what has been received. During the appeal, the administration will present its response first. Following this, the client may agree, disagree, or provide additional information to accompany the administration's response. The BOD may ask questions of both parties or from other staff members, but they will need to be notified ahead of time. Both parties will be excused at the same time and the BOD will make its decision.

If the client requests to have their legal representative accompany them to the appeal hearing, the PEICP must be notified ten days prior to the appeal hearing so that they can ensure their own legal representative will be present. It is recommended that this appeal hearing occurs without legal representation to save money for all parties.

Step 6: The BOD will notify the client of their decision in writing within 30 days of the appeal hearing.

Appendix A:
Written appeals must include; the date; the client's name; address; phone number and client signature.

Written appeals be dropped off or mailed to:
Prince Edward Island Cattle Producers
Suite 202, Farm Centre
420 University Ave. Charlottetown, PE C1A 7Z5

Appendix B:
The onus is on the client to provide evidence to support their appeal. If the appeal refers to the calculation of inventory or marketings, the client must provide some proof such as Agri-Stability forms, livestock purchase invoices, or receipts.

If the appeal refers to a High Use bill, the client must have documented proof that the high use of the deadstock service during the previous year was due to circumstances beyond his control. He must also demonstrate that every effort was made to reduce death-loss on farm. Such evidence may include a signed veterinarian's letter indicating the cause of illness. It may include a post-mortem from the Atlantic Veterinary College indicating the cause of mortality. Simply stating an opinion about the cause of the high death-rate may not be considered as adequate evidence to substantiate the waiving of the High Use fee. The client may also request a review of his deadstock pickup slips that indicate the number of pickups that were made from his farm. This request must also be made in a timely manner.

All documentation must be provided to the PEICP a minimum of seven days before the appeal hearing.

A producer has 30 days from the invoice date to submit a formal complaint and sixty days from the invoice date to submit a written appeal and have it accepted by the PEICP for review.

All efforts must be made to handle live cattle according to the Beef and the Dairy Code of Practices.


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